
:a nickname, combined from Jesse + Katie
// J-kat is very excited for their guests to arrival in the Pacific Northwest.


“Cheers to us.”

March 11, 2017

Jesse said over a glass of cabernet on their first date at Story Hill BKC.

Long before that glass-clinking moment, the two became friends at their old employer. Where they spent months laughing over lunchtime stories and making midday runs to the local thrift shop. During those months of playing the “friend card”, Katie had swiftly wiggled her way into Jesse’s heart just like he had with hers so many months before. She jokes that those months were the most determined she’s ever been in her life.

Eventually, when the time was right, the two were on the same page. Starting, unbeknownst to them, not only their first chapter together but their first book. What they didn’t know was the work that was going to be required. It wasn’t going to be an easy start into a newfound relationship.

All Gas No Brakes

April 21, 2017

Jesse said, “I want to be with you.”
Katie replied, “I’m moving to New York in three weeks.”

In those three weeks so many “firsts” were created.

Families were met.
Hiking trails were explored.
Long, slow dinners were enjoyed.
And even “I love yous” were exchanged.
The two were moving quick and it felt so right.

Going the Distance

January 13, 2018

Katie will argue distance makes the heart grow fonder. Jesse will combat her saying no it doesn’t. Not one bit.

Long distance took guts. They both had to really work to communicate and see each other regularly. To be frank, it was Jesse’s turn to chase Katie and boy, did he ever.

They would spend weekends visiting one another or traveling to a new city to explore, and yet never taking the same flight home together.

Over time the overpriced cocktails, Brooklyn bars, Milwaukee street festivals, packed subway cars, expensive plane tickets, GoogleHangouts, and Snapchat videos began taking a toll on them.

They were ready for their real, wake-up-together-every-day, romance to start.

This is when the real compromising and companionship came into J-kat’s story.

Same Destination

September 1, 2018

Denver? No, that one doesn’t feel right.
New York? No, too expensive and you can’t easily access the outdoors.
Milwaukee? No, too cold.
L.A.? No.
Seattle? Yes. Yes! YAS!

The two weighed their options, made their pros and cons lists, and ended up settling in Seattle. It was a no-brainer, really. Washington had the insanely accessible outdoors for Jesse and Seattle had the city conveniences for Katie. Plus, they already had family there which was the best perk of them all.

Within weeks, they wrapped up their separate lives and began preparing for their life together.

Jesse quit his job, sold basically his entire life on Facebook Marketplace, and drove a Penske truck out West while hauling his plant-filled Subaru behind him. Katie transferred internally with her employer, packed her life into boxes, and carried her few, small house plants on the plane.

They arrived on the same day. At nearly the same time. Jesse picked Katie up at the airport and they knew that the next time they’d be there, they would be getting on a plane together -- for the first time.


June 21, 2019

Seattle felt so right.

Living in Capitol Hill made it ridiculously easy to explore the city. The two found themselves having weekly dates at their favorite neighborhood bar, Baitshop. Picking up casual square pies from Dinos. Swinging by JoeBar for lattes during their weekend walks. Making frequent visits to Ballard Consignment.

While weekdays were spent in the city, weekends were dedicated to exploring the outdoors. Whether it be the Olympic Coast, Mt. Rainer, Mt. Baker, local parks, or nearby islands, Katie and Jesse were having the time of their lives soaking up and adapting to the Northwest lifestyle.

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The Engagement

August 3, 2019

After months of secret planning, sneaky visits to “the gym”, and disguised calendar event names, the weekend had arrived.

Jesse left a note on the kitchen counter for Katie that read, “Hello - Get ready for a fun weekend. We are going somewhere in the PNW for the weekend. Pack something cute.”

Katie read it. Walked to work and spent the entire day gossiping about it with her coworkers.

They pulled up to a log cabin built on the mountainside in Leavenworth, Washington. A bottle of red wine was awaiting them and Jesse had secretly packed all the ingredients for a world’s best charcuterie board. This guy was pulling out all the stops.

To keep Katie on her toes, Jesse didn’t propose until the following morning. They’d just finished sipping coffee in the hot tub while listening to birds chirp and overlooking the scenic views. Jesse told Katie to get ready for the day. As she took one of her notoriously long showers, he quickly and steadily prepared the proposal scene -- it was time and he was ready!

She closed her eyes and he guided her out to the balcony where he had two cameras recording the proposal and a gift waiting on the table.

As Katie unwrapped the gift, she found a hand drawn portrait of the two of them. It was a replication of their favorite photo from a recent trip to Kauai.

When she turned around to ask Jesse the million questions that were buzzing through her mind, she found him on one knee asking her one question. “Will you marry me?”

Obviously, at this point, she was shocked, obsessed, and crying. And in case you were curious...she said yes.

For that moment, time was at a standstill and they were the only two in the world.

Todd Green

February 29, 2020

Six hours later and they were home. In their 650 sq. foot Capitol Hill apartment with their newest family member, Todd Green.

It didn’t take long for Todd to become a neighborhood legend. Loving up on everyone he came into contact with. Strutting (if you’ll call puppy wiggles that) through Volunteer Park. And racing around the teeny, tiny apartment.

Quite quickly, Katie and Jesse knew it was time to find their first home together when their goofy, snuggly, energetic Vizsla puppy entered the family. The daily walks through Volunteer Park were no longer cutting it. Or maybe it was the constant bumping into each other in the galley kitchen. Or air mattress accommodation for guests…

Whatever it was, it was time to seal the deal and make a very big decision together. Buy a house.

Two Cars, a Garage, and a Fully Fenced Yard

June 3, 2020

These days the three of them are working on house projects (yes, Todd too. He’s always looking for a job). Laughing at Todd's expression-less face. Eating some of the best Mexican in their new neighborhood. And, of course, wedding planning.

It has been 4 years of friendship, 3 years of love, and by the time they make it official, it’ll have been 2 years of an adventurous and entertaining engagement.

They are waiting for you. To start their next chapter as husband & wife.


Who doesn’t love a good love story? Enough about us. On to the wedding details!

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