Washington has taken an aggressive approach to this virus. As Phases begin to roll out and restrictions are lifted, we will keep this page up to date and keep you posted on any updates as soon as we find them out.

UPDATE: June 29, 2021

On June 29, 2021 Washington fully reopened and ended pandemic restrictions. Today, almost 74% of the state has been at least partially vaccinated. Numbers continue to drop everywhere which makes us feel good about our outdoor wedding. Nearly all COVID deaths in the United States are now among the unvaccinated. The state is still requiring those who are unvaccinated to wear a mask in public areas. While we can’t guarantee all 105 of our guests are fully vaccinated, we can assure you that the majority are.

UPDATE: March 16, 2021

On March 22, 2021 Washington will enter Phase 3 of the recovery plan. Right now it is too early to tell what will happen at the end of this summer. But things are trending in the right direction and we can’t wait to see you all.

Simplified 2-criteria metric will determine phasing by County instead of region. This is good news for larger counties like Kitsap.

FACT: President Biden has directed states to make all adults eligible for a vaccine by May 1st. Although appointments will probably be scarce, please encourage your loved ones to be proactive in securing vaccinations. Keep tabs on local pharmacies and sign-up with vaccine standby sites like Dr.B.

The NY Times recently published an article on Seattle’s approach to containing the virus and reducing deaths – remaining the lowest amongst the largest U.S. metro areas.

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